Kimberly J Hemmerling

PhD Candidate | NIH NRSA Predoctoral Fellow


Hello! I’m currently a PhD Candidate in Biomedical Engineering at Northwestern University. I work with Dr. Molly Bright in the Applied Neuro-Vascular Imaging Lab.

I use an technique called functional MRI (fMRI) to image the human spinal cord. My research focus is in developing analyses for improved data de-noising as well as application of this technique to learn about vascular and motor function of the spinal cord. Additionally, I am using spinal cord fMRI in conjunction with electromyography (EMG) to study motor impairment. Through this work I am experienced in experimental design, signal & image processing, and data visualization. I’m also interested in data science and AI.

selected publications

  1. Spatial distribution of hand-grasp motor task activity in spinal cord functional magnetic resonance imaging
    Kimberly J. Hemmerling, Mark A. Hoggarth, Milap S. Sandhu, Todd B. Parrish, and Molly G. Bright
    Human Brain Mapping, Aug 2023
    A visualization tool for assessment of spinal cord functional magnetic resonance imaging data quality
    Kimberly J. Hemmerling, and Molly G. Bright
    In 2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), Dec 2021